What sets Jungian Coaching apart is the underpinning premise that your whole, true self is more than just the voice in your head – so much more - and that revealing your true self is not only possible with guidance, but that it is also essential. It’s actually the only thing to do! And it will enable you to become free from your pain.
Jungian Coaching explores and releases the hidden power of the patterns that we’ve been
psychologically conditioned to believe and that have led to our current situation, experiences and results.
Seated within a spiritual context, we unroot the deeper cause of our previous beliefs leaving us free to make and realise different choices for ourselves.
This enables us to come into alignment with our whole, true self.
We won’t dress up your ego to make you feel ‘better’ though! This simply reinforces and perpetuates our old, stuck patterns. You will feel better though!
First of all though we have to bring to the surface the hidden drivers which have been unconsciously running the show for us (which have led to our pain) so that we can see them in the clear light of day.
When we can properly see them, we will begin to understand that they actually have no power over us, hence, we can become liberated from their grip, and start to come into alignment with a truer version of ourselves. And this is when we truly start to feel better!
This is how pain releases itself too – when we’re in alignment with our true self, our body will no longer express pain. Because it doesn’t need to, and because it can’t… Pain has no footing when we’re in alignment because pain is the expression of held tension, of all that we’re resisting and are not consciously aware is dictating our life.
In alignment, there is no resistance – just the flow of energy through our system, as we’re supposed to be experiencing. So that we are free to do what we’re supposed to be doing with our life, pain-free.
My coaching combines my tacit understanding of the mind-body interconnectedness with the
capacity to guide you to come back into alignment with yourself and enable deep and lasting shifts for you, whether it’s shifting physical pain or stuckness in other areas of your life – because they’re related…
Deep, lasting shifts result in us seeing different results for ourselves. And it creates the space for our innate (yet often hidden) brilliant gifts – our individual and unique talents – to be expressed.
This is Jung’s ‘Path of Individuation’ and we’re all being called to walk it.
Free from pain and shining our brilliance.